space space

Dorothy Garrels

Designer:Dorothy Garrels
Award Winning Games:Spiel des Jahres (Game of the Year)Scotland Yard (1983)

Published games

Scotland Yard1983RavensburgerWerner Schlegel
Dorothy Garrels
Fritz Ifland
Manfred Burggraf
Werner Scheerer
Wolf Hoermann
BoardScotland Yard
Scotland Yard1985MBWerner Schlegel
Dorothy Garrels
Fritz Ifland
Manfred Burggraf
Werner Scheerer
Wolf Hoermann
Scotland Yard2003RavensburgerWerner Schlegel
Dorothy Garrels
Fritz Ifland
Manfred Burggraf
Werner Scheerer
Wolf Hoermann
BoardScotland Yard
Scotland Yard2013RavensburgerMichael Schacht
Werner Schlegel
Dorothy Garrels
Fritz Ifland
Manfred Burggraf
Werner Scheerer
Wolf Hoermann
BoardScotland Yard
Scotland Yard Master2013RavensburgerMichael Schacht
Werner Schlegel
Dorothy Garrels
Fritz Ifland
Manfred Burggraf
Werner Scheerer
Wolf Hoermann

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